How-to pass variables
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This section discusses explicitly the process of passing variables thanks to URL pass-through parameters, custom links, and forms.
(e.g. in this URL you have 2 URL query parameters: {{first_name}} and {{last_name}})
Variables are used to personalize your guideflow at scale. You can pass variables through 3 different methods.
Forms: use forms to dynamically personalize your guideflow
Custom links: create a custom link to personalize your guideflow's content before sharing it with each prospect
URL query parameters: personalize your guideflow's content by using URL query parameters
You can also use a start popup with Form to pass variables.
All custom links (or branded links) created with Guideflow include a feature called "forward parameters". It means that any parameters attached to the custom link are included in the destination URL (First name, Email, Phone, etc.). It gives the possibility to determine in advance the data that will be used for the variables.
(e.g. create a custom link for your prospect "Elon", add the variable {{first_name}} with the pre-filled data "Elon" in your custom link, and your variable will be updated by "Elon" in your guideflow)
Once you create your custom link, you can share it with your prospect.
(e.g. if your prospect's first name is Elon, pre-filled the first name variable with "Elon")
Pass-through parameters are custom fields that you can add to the end of a guideflow's URL. Guideflow allows pass-through parameters, also known as "query strings" or "URL query parameters," which allow you to pass variables so you can personalize your guideflows' content.
Pass-through parameters allow you to pass information from your outreach campaign to your guideflow for example. In simple terms, pass-through parameters are custom fields that you can add to the end of a URL.
To identify a URL parameter, you need to look at the part of the URL that follows a question mark (?). A URL parameter consists of a Key and a Value, separated by an equal sign (=). If there are multiple parameters, each one is separated by an ampersand (&).
(e.g. we want to pass the first name and last name as URL query parameters)
With no URL parameters, the guideflow URL looks like this:
With URL parameters such as {{first_name}} with John as his first name, the guideflow URL looks like this:
To add URL parameters, write down "?" after the URL then the Key, here "first_name" then = followed by the Value, here "John".
You can pass data as URL parameters from many providers like CRM, marketing platforms, emailing tools, etc.