Create, edit, and manage subfolders

Create, edit, and manage subfolders to further organize your workspace. (e.g. create subfolders for different projects within a department)

Create and edit your subfolders

  • To add a new section, click the "+" button above your folders and select "Add section".

  • To add a subfolder within a section, click the "+" button within the section.

  • Edit your subfolder's name.

  • If you want, edit your new subfolder's emoji.

  • To rename or delete a subfolder, click on the "..." button next to the subfolder and select "Rename" or "Delete".

Organize your subfolders

Organize subfolders to maintain a clear structure in your workspace.

To move a folder into a section:

  1. Select the folder you want to move.

  2. Drag & drop this folder into the desired section.

  3. The folder will now be a subfolder within that section.

Remember, a folder can exist either within a section (as a subfolder) or on its own outside of any section.

Last updated