General analytics
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Get general analytics about your guideflow published such as the number of views, completion rate, unique users, average completion rate, number of leads, average time spent, etc. General analytics will help you to gain insight into user engagement.
(e.g. analyze if your users are finishing your guideflow)
All the data in "General Analytics" are anonymous.
Click on the "Analytics" tab at the top of your editor.
If you want the analytics for a specific period, click on "All", and change the time frame by selecting one of the following options: All, Today, This Week, This Month, This Year, or Custom.
Analyze various statistics related to the performance of the guideflow:
Total views: Number of times your guideflow has been viewed.
Unique users: Number of people who have seen your guideflow.
Completion rate: Average percentage of completion of your guideflow by viewers.
Leads: Number of leads generated by your guideflow's form.
Guideflow views graph: Evolution of the number of times your guideflow has been viewed (day/hour).
Location map: Location of people who have viewed your guideflow.
Browser table: Browsers used by people who viewed your guideflow.
Device chart: Devices used by people who viewed your guideflow.
OS chart: Operating Systems used by people who viewed your guideflow.
Steps graph: Number of times the different steps in your guideflow were viewed.
Average time spent graph: Average time spent viewing the different steps in your guideflow.
If you want to download a report of your analytics, click on the "Download button". We will send you an email with your report.
General analytics is a global overview of all the user engagement with this guideflow.