Create, edit, and move folders

Create, edit, and move folders to keep your workspace organized.

(e.g. create a folder for each of your customers)

Create and edit your folders

Create and edit your folders to keep your workspace organized.

  • To add a new folder, from your dashboard click on "+" beside "Workspace".

  • Edit your folder's name.

  • If you want, edit your new folder's emoji.

  • If you want to rename or delete a folder, click on the "..." button next to one of your folders and select "Rename" or "Delete".

Re-order your folders

Re-order folders to keep your workspace organized.

  • To move a folder to another place, select the folder you want to move.

  • Drag & drop this folder to the desired place.

A folder can be moved move between public, shared, and private folders.

Last updated