Zendesk integration

To embed guideflows in your Zendesk Help Center articles you will need to activate the "Display unsafe content" setting first.

How to activate "Display unsafe content" settings:

  1. Go to the "Guide admin" tab on your Zendesk workspace.

  2. Click on the settings icon in the left sidebar.

  3. Select the β€œDisplay unsafe content” check box.

  4. Click "Update".

How to embed a guideflow into your Zendesk article:

  1. Go to the guideflow you want to embed.

  2. Click on the "Share" button, and go to "Embed Widget".

  3. Copy the code.

  4. Go to the "Add" tab on your Zendesk workspace.

  5. A blank article will appear.

  6. Click on "Source code" </> and paste the code.

Last updated